HAPPY NEW YEAR! As I look back on 2024, I am grateful as always to those of you who have reached out to me over the last 12 months, with emails or holiday cards. Personally, it was a year of good, and some not-so-good, as it may have seemed to others. My granddaughter’s wedding was awesome, and now my grandson Kieran is engaged! The renovation that was meant to allow me to “age in place” in my beloved home of 43 years has taken a lot longer and cost a lot more than expected. One daughter has been diagnosed with breast cancer. My sister and I had a wonderful vacation in Italy in the fall. Hoping that all turns out well in 2025, with so many changes on the horizon. Best wishes to all of you!
Another year gone by! All our babies are growing up – my oldest granddaughter, Kendall, is engaged to be married in September ’24. My whole family will be celebrating with a party on December 23rd, so we’ll get to spend Christmas together. This will be the first one without my father, who passed away in March at 98. He had a good long life, but we miss him. Happy New Year to all of you, and best wishes for 2024!!
My daughter’s book! It will be published soon and you can pre-order it now on Amazon, Bookshop.org, etc. Really thoughtful insights from my kid who was Deputy Chief Technology Officer in the Obama Administration, and founder of Code for America, a non-profit that continues to help cities with tech solutions to civic problems. Am I proud? You bet.
A wonderful trip to Paris and Rome with my friend Ellen!